I am a Ph.D. in economics. I am a decision theorist and experimental economist working on the modeling and the understanding of human behavior. I design experiments and use revealed preference techniques to study various assumptions on individual preferences and utility. I have also started using experiment to understand what procedures people prefer in the allocation of public goods.
I am currently working as maître de conférence (assistant professor) in the Laboratoire d’économie dyonisien at the University Paris 8.
Research Interests
I have two main research interests, which both are linked by the understanding of human behavior. First, I am interested in testing theories of behavior, which requires both understanding the theory and then implementing tests of the theories, usually through laboratory experiment. Second, I am interested in the social acceptability of scientific, and in particular, economists’ solutions to modern societal problems, like climate change.
You can have a look at all my past and current research here.
I teach various courses at University Paris 8, mainly in microeconomics, at different levels. I also supervise undergraduate projects and master thesis.