
I am a Ph.D. in economics. I am a decision theorist and experimental economist working on the modeling and the understanding of human behavior. I design experiments and use revealed preference techniques to study various assumptions on individual preferences and utility. I am also using experiment to understand what procedures people prefer in the allocation of public goods.

I am currently working as maître de conférence (assistant professor) in the Laboratoire d’économie dyonisien at the University Paris 8.

Research Interests

I have two main research interests, which both are linked by the understanding of human behavior. First, I am interested in testing theories of behavior, which requires both understanding the theory and then implementing tests of the theories, usually through laboratory experiment. Second, I am interested in the social acceptability of scientific, and in particular, economists’ solutions to modern societal problems, like climate change.

You can have a look at all my past and current research here.


I teach various courses at University Paris 8, mainly in microeconomics, at different levels. I also supervise undergraduate projects and master thesis. You can find some material for my L3 R classes here. My students should go to Moodle and select their courses for the informations on the classes.


I am also one of the resource person on the fight against sexist and sexual violences in the department of Economics at the University Paris 8. For anyone needing help inside the university, a rundown of the resources available is available here (in French).

I also was the Open Science Embassador for ERUA inside the University Paris 8 between 2023 and 2024. There is no more embassadorship program, but I am still committed to Open Science, feel free to contact me on the matter.